Every 24 hours, we are featuring new sticker packs for you to download. And you can decide which ones are next!
Join our Discord Server and vote: https://discord.gg/bJkkU3U
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This app is not endorsed or affiliated by WhatsApp. Most of the stickers are user generated. If you believe that content infringes your copyright, please send us an e-mail: hi@jooas.com
The Telegram stickers in this app are published with permission from Telegram, obtained at stickers@telegram.org
Icon by Icons8: https://icons8.com
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You don't need multiple WAStickerApps, this app offers more than 2500 stickers in the following categories:
BTS Stickers, Broken Animals Stickers, GOT7 Stickers, Chilean Memes Stickers, Twice Derp Stickers, iKON Stickers, Sad Cats Stickers, Anime Stickers, Pepe Stickers, Pepe 2 Stickers, Homer Simpson Stickers, Pusheen Stickers, Wanna One Stickers, Hide The Pain Stickers, Twitch Memes Stickers, Red Velvet Stickers, SEVENTEEN Stickers, NCT Stickers, Broken Cats Stickers, Stitch Stickers, Umaru Stickers, Donald Trump Sticker!
Ogni 24 ore presentiamo nuovi pacchetti di adesivi da scaricare. E tu puoi decidere quali sono i prossimi!
Unisciti al nostro server Discord e vota: https://discord.gg/bJkkU3U
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Questa app non è supportata o affiliata da WhatsApp. La maggior parte degli adesivi sono generati dall'utente. Se ritieni che il contenuto violi il tuo copyright, inviaci una e-mail: hi@jooas.com
Gli adesivi di Telegram in questa app sono pubblicati con il permesso di Telegram, ottenuto su stickers@telegram.org
Icona di Icons8: https://icons8.com
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Non hai bisogno di più WAStickerApps, questa app offre più di 2500 adesivi nelle seguenti categorie:
Adesivi BTS, Adesivi Animali rotti, Adesivi GOT7, Adesivi cileni meme, Adesivi due volte derp, Adesivi iKON, Adesivi gatti tristi, Adesivi anime, Adesivi Pepe, Adesivi Pepe 2, Adesivi Homer Simpson, Adesivi Pusheen, Adesivi Wanna One, Adesivi Nascondi il dolore , Adesivi Twitch Memes, adesivi in velluto rosso, adesivi SEVENTEEN, adesivi NCT, adesivi gatti rotti, adesivi punto, adesivi Umaru, adesivi Donald Trump!
Every 24 hours, we are featuring new sticker packs for you to download. And you can decide which ones are next!
Join our Discord Server and vote: https://discord.gg/bJkkU3U
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This app is not endorsed or affiliated by WhatsApp. Most of the stickers are user generated. If you believe that content infringes your copyright, please send us an e-mail: hi@jooas.com
The Telegram stickers in this app are published with permission from Telegram, obtained at stickers@telegram.org
Icon by Icons8: https://icons8.com
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You don't need multiple WAStickerApps, this app offers more than 2500 stickers in the following categories:
BTS Stickers, Broken Animals Stickers, GOT7 Stickers, Chilean Memes Stickers, Twice Derp Stickers, iKON Stickers, Sad Cats Stickers, Anime Stickers, Pepe Stickers, Pepe 2 Stickers, Homer Simpson Stickers, Pusheen Stickers, Wanna One Stickers, Hide The Pain Stickers, Twitch Memes Stickers, Red Velvet Stickers, SEVENTEEN Stickers, NCT Stickers, Broken Cats Stickers, Stitch Stickers, Umaru Stickers, Donald Trump Sticker!